Inadequate Drying Systems Cause Expensive Problems

An inadequate air knife system could cause very expensive problems. Packaging that is insufficiently dried could lead to labeling and printing issues, rusting and more over, poor quality that negatively affects your brand image.

Recently, a brewery contacted Republic because they had an issue with coding their kegs. Apparently, their air knife drying system was not properly drying the top of their kegs. After the kegs ran through their drying system, they were then stamped with an ID code. Because the kegs were not sufficiently dried, the code would easily rub off. Once the keg would arrive at a restaurant or bar, the recipients would then have to turn the kegs away because they were not properly coded. Can you guess how much this costed the brewery in delivery, restocking, reprocessing and customer satisfaction? Let’s just say the number makes our cheeks red.

The Republic team engineered a nozzle knife system to replace the insufficient air knives. Nozzle knives provide a precise, concentrated air flow and work great at drying cans, kegs and other packaging that has hard to reach crevasses. Air knives, including air nozzles and accessories are manufactured in-house, at Republic Manufacturing.

Learn more about how Republic serves the Beverage Industry.